West Wind Saint Bernard Puppies !!!
Puppy Cuteness Overload
Nothin' Butt Saint Bernards
SOoo.. Sleepy
My Stick..
Puppies are Great Just look at them! So floppy, goofy, innocent and adorable. It’s hard not to smile just thinking about puppies. But the power of the puppy isn’t just superficial fun. These animals are practically magic and have the ability to change your life in astounding ways, Heres a few examples....
Puppies just make you feel good: There’s a reason they say a dog is man’s best friend. Having a pet, is something that everyone should experience at some point in their life. Pets can be calming, mood lifting, empathetic, and so much more.
Puppies can help you live longer: There are other health benefits associated with pet ownership (particularly dogs). Many studies show that owning a pet has a positive impact on cardiovascular disease, hypertension, infection control, allergies, stress related problems, blood pressure and psychological issues
Puppies help manage depression: In some cases, therapists suggest that patients suffering from depression should adopt a pet. An animal will love you unconditionally and also be a great friend and listener
Puppies expand your social life:
A key to a healthy mind, especially for those who are elderly, is staying engaged with others. A pet is often a conversation starter and being out with a pet often warrants questions or comments from passersby
Puppies help your children learn: Having a dog in the home can build confidence and manage anxiety and stress
Puppies keep you active:
Training and playing with your dog provides mental stimulation,. Having a dog will also encourage you to exercise as you’ll need to walk Fido regularly